We often are asked - What is the value of my Vintage computer memorabilia?
The simple answer is: Your item is worth what a collector is currently willing to pay for it.
The current market for Vintage computer collectibles & memorabilia is volatile as with any type of collectibles or antiques, with a wide spread of possible price ranges for collectibles typically sold on popular markets such as Ebay.
Because of this, it is not possible to quote our users an estimated price of the value of their collectibles. However, the good news is that collectibles in high demand typically go up in value over time, with rarer items always being the most in demand.
The best way to estimate current values of your items is thru completed item searches on Ebay. If you can't find an example of your item on Ebay then their is a good chance that is was produced in limited quantities and it's rarity will help with it increasing in demand and value over time.
Check out our Researching Computer Memorabilia page for more help on finding out about your collectible technology item's history and rarity.
Related: The collectors guide to Vintage Intel Microchips - Values and Identification