High-Tech Company & employee Gift Stores
Here is a list of High-tech Companies offering their unique branded / logo gifts either online, or in person:
- Apple - You can find unique Apple logo gifts in person by visiting their Apple Company Store in Cupertino CA. (1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014)
- AT&T - The AT&T Pioneer eShoppe has AT&T logo merchandise & Memorabilia, an AT&T employee store operated by the Missouri Chapter of the AT&T Pioneers.
- Cisco Systems - Has a gift store inside their World headquarters in San Jose, CA. (300 East Tasman Dr. San Jose, CA 95134)
- Intel - Intel logo gifts are available to the public in-person inside their Intel Museum at the Intel Headquarters in Santa Clara, CA (RNB Santa Clara, California Store
2200 Mission College Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95054)
- Intel - Intel logo gifts are available online at the Intel Store which has dual sites for both Intel employees, and for the public.
- IBM - The IBM Logostore is the official place to buy exclusive IBM merchandise. This site offers a distinctive selection of IBM-inspired t-shirts, hats, mugs, bags, notebooks, gifts and more.
- IBM - Officially licensed IBM logo gifts can also be bought online at IBM Cafe Press.
- AMD - AMD branded gifts are available online to the public at their AMD FAN store.
- NVIDIA - Has an internal company store offering NVIDIA logo gift at their Santa Clara Headquarters, however it is only open to employees. (2788 San Tomas Expressway Santa Clara, CA 95051)
- Microsoft - has an a company gift store for employees online. Also, at the The Microsoft Company Store and Visitors Center their is a gift shop that offers exclusive Microsoft branded products that you can’t get anywhere else. (15010 NE 36th Street, Microsoft Campus, Building 92, Redmond, WA 98052). The first Microsoft Store, MicrosoftSF, opened on June 16, 1999 in Metreon Center, San Francisco, but has since closed.
- Tesla - Tesla has an online site for the public to buy Tesla branded logo gifts.
- NASA - The NASA Gift Shop at their AMES Research Center in Silicon Valley, located off of Highway 101 near Mountain View (at exit 398, Moffett Blvd/NASA Parkway), has unique NASA gifts and official NASA gear available to the public.
- NASA - Official NASA gifts are available online at their official NASA GEAR site.
- NASA - At their Kennedy Space center in Cape Canaveral Florida, NASA has a 15k square feet, the Space Shop at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is the world’s largest store devoted to space memorabilia and NASA gear. Also has store online, the NASA SPACE SHOP
- SpaceX - Branded gifts are available online at Shop SpaceX